Energy Service Company
besko is a specialised service company on energy issues with appropriate expertise and capabilities.
Our areas of avocation focus on Studying, Supervision, Project Management, Construction and measurement – verification data and results. The role of besko is based on ensuring and financing a specific energy saving amount and the fee is associated with the success rate of guaranteeing energy savings, while basic requirement is to conclude and sign the Energy Performance Contract (EPC).
Our firm plans and implements the optimal energy upgrade solution for any business, studying historical energy consumption data, installing advanced technology monitors and analysing the data of energy expenditure, and can either finance the project or provide financing solutions.
Energy upgrade via (ESCO) aims:
- To improve the energy efficiency of the building.
- To reduce CO2 emissions.
- To reduce operating costs and maintenance costs.
- To optimize energy consumption.
- To cover part of the needs with “self-production”.
- To give added value to the property.
Internationally there have been developed two basic energy performance contracting models (ESCO mixed development projects models are widespread but greatly depend on the nature and the economics of each project).